Great Waltham Cricket Club News story

Club maintenance day - NEED YOUR HELP...list of tools

22 Mar 2018

Fellow Members

The new season is nearly upon us and many of you have been working hard on your fitness and ensuring your game is technically sound to have a successful season.

We have one of the prettiest grounds in Essex and would like to ask for your help to ensure that remains.

On Saturday 7th April, we have dedicated this day to give the club facilities a ‘Springclean’. Last year we had a great turnout, members of all ages and sections aided in various jobs to ensure the club looked in fine order for the start of the season.

Can you help? Whether its one, two or several hours; skilled or non-skilled. Every man-hour will help and be appreciated.

Firstly, send me an email if you can help. How long you can stay or when you can arrive to help?

We are aiming to start about 10am.

John Warn will be Project Manager for the day and has requested you bring any of the following:

Shears, Lopping Shears, Saw, Rake, Spade, Fork, Stanley Knife, Secateurs and gloves.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Atul Patel

Club Secretary

07960 852 872