Great Waltham Cricket Club News story


23 Apr 2019

It is that time of year again when membership fees are due. The sun is shining and the first friendly has already been played!


There are a few early payment discounts available if you pay no later than Saturday 1st June 2019.  The rates are the same as last year.  They are on our website but are also repeated below:

Full (playing adult) @ £69 but at £52 if paid before 31st May.

Student or Unemployed @ £29 but at £23 if paid before 31st May.

Junior (aged 16-18) and Colts @ £18.

Full Ladies @ £45 but at £35 if paid before 31st May.

Associate (non playing) @ £23.

Family @ £69 (two adults & two juniors/colts)

Fees can be paid at anytime to Janet or me by cash or cheque. If you would prefer to pay by bank transfer please use:

Sort Code: 08 92 99

Account Number: 65760754

Account Name: Great Waltham Cricket Club- please use your name as a reference.

Match fees are unchanged for this year.

Please support your club by paying as soon as you can. If you have a problem paying the fee, please speak to me. This will be in strict confidence. I am sure we can work something out.


Andrew (Ran) Fitzwater

GWCC Treasurer