Hi All,
The new season fast approaches! At our last AGM we decided not to increase club membership.
Match fees jave increased by £1.
This years membership is now due..
As an incentive we are offering the normal early payment discounts for some membership categories.
The rates are on our website and,as follows:
Full (playing men adults) @ £76 but at £57 if paid no later than the 5th May.
Student (unemloyed) @ £32 but at £25 if paid no later than the 5th May.
Junior (aged 16-18) and Colts @ £20
Full Ladies @ £50 but at £38 if paid no later than the 5th May
Associate (no playing) @ £25
Family @ £76 (two adults & two juniors/colts)
Fees can be paid at anhy time to me, Andy B or Janet by cash, card, or cheque. Payment by bank transfer is especially welcome:
Sort Code: 08 92 99
Account Number: 65760754
Account Name: Great Waltham Cricket Club
Please use your name as a reference. If paying for someone else, please use their name.
Please do contact me or Andy if you have any difficulty in paying. This will be in the strictest confidence.
Kind Regards,
Ran (Andrew Fitzwater)
GWCC Treasurer