Hi All,
REMEMBER 31st May is the last date to receive a discount for paying your annual membership
Spring is here, the weather is improving and excitement for the season ahead is building. From what I hear, attendance at Indoor nets has been the strongest it has ever been which is very encouraging.
As a club we have decided that our priority is to work together towards making the Club financially self sufficient without having to rely on the generous donations from our sponsors. Our membership and match fees remain below the level of most other clubs but we can only maintain this if these are paid in a timely manner and that members continue to support the clubs various social and fund raising activities.
As an incentive we are offering early payment discounts for most membership categories as follows (these are also published on the website here).
Full (playing men adults) @ £90 but at £75 if paid no later than the 31st May.
Student (unemployed) @ £50 but at £35 if paid no later than the 31st May.
First Colt in Family @ £70. This includes ALL coaching sessions and match fees. It also includes associate membership for parents.
Second and Third Colt in Family @ £40 each. Includes all coaching sessions and match fees.
Friday T20 Cricket (Formerly Ladies) @ £60 but at £45 if paid no later than the 31st May
Associate (non playing) @ £40 but at £30 if paid no later than the 31st May.
Family @ £150 (two senior playing members & two students/colts)
Fees can be paid at any time to Ran or Janet by cash, card, or cheque. Payment by bank transfer is especially welcome:
Sort Code: 08 92 99
Account Number: 65760754
Account Name: Great Waltham Cricket Club
Please use your name as a reference. If paying for someone else, please use their name.
Please do contact me or our treasurer, Ran Fitzwater, if you have any difficulty in paying. This will be in the strictest confidence.
Kind Regards,
Matt Duggan
GWCC Vice Chair