Great Waltham Cricket Club News story

Winter Nets

14 Jan 2025

Winter nets begin next week. For all those who train on a Monday or a Wednesday, there are 12 sessions starting Monday the 20th and Wednesday the 22nd January as follows:


Mondays 7 pm to 8 pm - Two lanes booked for one hour- this is primarily for Colts and Ladies.


Wednesdays 8pm  to 9 pm- Three lanes booked for one hour- this is for everyone else!


You have three ways of paying- someone will be collecting payment at each net session. This can be made by cash, or new for this year- CARD. You can either pay £5 per session as you go, or you can pay for all sessions at a reduced price of £45. This is a savings of £15 if you attend all sessions. 


You can also pay by bank transfer to 'Great Waltham Cricket Club'

Sort Code: 08 92 99

Account Number: 65760754


Please contact me if you have any questions.


GWCC Treasurer